Your B2B guide
towards sustainability

All the resources on The Matcha Initiative are free of charge, created by our network of experts and volunteers.

Explore solutions

Each category has subcategories, and a suite of solutions. 

All the content is created and curated by our community of do-gooders.

Connect with a buddy

The buddy community is here to help you by sharing their own experience and with pro-bono mentoring.

Meet our suppliers network

Suppliers go through a Selection & Validation process before they are listed on our website.

"Being listed in the Matcha directory introduced us to a professional lead that has transformed our business trajectory."
Prakash Natarajan
Co-Founder, Sustainable Gaia

"For me and many other members, The Matcha Initiative became an incubator for business ideas inspired by sustainability."
Zuzana Dzurillova
Founder, Tamotsu Institute

Join our events

We organise monthly public evenings and masterclasses, as well as an annual summit, AlterCOP.

To register for coming events   ‍

AlterCOP is a remote alternative to COP, keeping people informed about the happenings of COP in real-time, all without travelling across the world!

It is a 2-week conference to discover, learn and take action!

AlterCOP 30 will take place from 10 November to 21 November 2025. Join us!

Join AlterCOP30

Your B2B guide towards sustainability

The Matcha Initiative

Discover our latest section:
Sustainable Supply Chain

We can only solve what we understand!

In the Resources section, upskill yourselves with articles on sustainability topics and regulations. Start from the tool box full of templates, online tools & videos.

In the Solutions section, discover more than 200 solutions and good practices to implement in your company.
Browse our latest category: Sustainable Supply Chain

« Business as usual » can no longer apply, as climate change consequences will impact us all and business continuity will be significantly disrupted.

It is time to actively prepare a more sustainable future.

Our Best Practices on Carbon Management & Carbon Footprint

Discover what a Monthly Evening is

We create an ecosystem of and for individuals in their professional lives, to empower all to take action for a change benefiting all.

We meet every month for peer sharing and learning, to dig into a sustainability topic and to network. 

This November, join us for AlterCOP, our 2-week event full of panels, expert talks, corporate sharing, masterclasses and workshops.  

Click here to save your place

We are a not-for-profit initiative helping companies to make a step further in the sustainable and circular economy.

We match your needs to local solutions, actionable knowledge and shared practical experiences.

Facing the pressing challenge of climate change and social responsibility, we believe businesses can go further & quicker collectively.

Watch our video for a quick understanding of what we do.

Watch our video for a quick understanding of what we do.