I'm leading a climate tech AI startup dedicated to helping companies achieve their energy and sustainability goals. My expertise is delivering circular transformation for our clients with a comprehensive portfolio of energy-efficient, resilient and sustainable solutions aligning climate ambition with corporate action.
I am happy to share my corporate sustainability experience. I would also love to provide insights on how we help SMEs and Enterprises in their Energy Transition and Climate Ambitions.
Prior to my startup, I was the Sustainability Leader for International Markets at Schneider Electric and I found it to be the most gratifying work I had ever done. To witness the energy transition of customers from Strategy to Execution to Reporting was a celebration of our work and what we could give back to Planet Earth. My love for Sustainability deepened even more after I attended TMI's first Masterclass a few years ago. It still brings back a lot of memories and a deep fondness for the core team at The Matcha Initiative, for what they do everyday. We need more of them!
My expertise lies in Cleantech Advisory, Energy Audits and Circularity Blueprinting. My task was to reduce the annual TCO2e for customers across Asia Pacific. Specifically, I have experience in carbon credit tokenization, sustainability SaaS platforms, and the Reporting Queen Bee Program.
Greenhushing and greenwashing are challenges I've constantly encountered. How I overcame this was by setting up Sustainability Schools within the customer's operating environment that tackled the Climate Ecosystem, Circular Enablement and Business Ethics.
I am most proud of helping customers become Sustainability Champions in their industry. The whole "Train the Trainer" approach has been extremely gratifying.