Morgan Largouet
Morgan's Introduction

I am a Partner at Continewm, participating in the business development of our HVAC energy saving technology. After 20 years in Thailand pushing my own company, Woodman, specialized in the distribution of green wood solutions for buildings, I joined the Continewm team to boost the worldwide awareness and sales of this Japanese hardware.

I am in line with the values of this amazing team moved by the desire to have an impact on some of the large environment issues we are facing.

What brought you to sustainability?

"I am nature defending itself". This sentence summarised what brought me to sustainability. This internal call to act, move, breathe for a larger fight that my own material needs. As a teenager, I was on the rainbow warrior in the port of La Rochelle battling ideas on ecological protests and the ways to handle them.

Through business, we turn environmental concerns into political impacts as we support changes among SMEs and large corporations. After fighting for 20 years for the use of wood in architecture and construction to replace aluminium or PVC, I jumped on another challenge which is to reduce the energy consumption of HVAC in commercial buildings to reduce bills and therefore carbon footprints.

Which sustainable actions are you in charge of or have you implemented in your organisation?

Our daily task is to make energy consumption and savings easily understood to move to actions easily.

Which challenges did you meet and how did you overcome them?

The main challenge is to overcome conservative ideas and habits.

To switch to a world where we preserve the living, we have to overcome what have been the rules for centuries but people are rarely attracted by change. So proposing a change require a unique ability for resilience.

What are you most proud of?

Being permanent in my efforts towards sustainability despite difficulties to convert my believes into commercial successes.

What would be your top 3 pieces of advice to the Matcha Initiative users?
  1. Keep believing
  2. Share your difficulties
  3. Dare to try to unexpected
In which field could you help The Matcha Initiative users as a buddy?

Experience Sharing

Please describe how you could help The Matcha Initiative users as a buddy?

I will be a connector, happy to share my network and advices to the ones launching an initiative on the territories I know.

Morgan's 3 main sustainability skills

Energy Savings / Decarbonisation / Air Quality

Morgan kindly accepts to answer your questions.

If you need additional insights, you can send him message.