Elodie Hecq
Key Account Manager France, Spain & UK – BeeBryte
United Kingdom
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Elodie’s introduction

Energy Efficiency & Conservation advocate, Tech enthusiast, Elodie is passionate about innovation & IOT applied to energy. She regularly gives lectures and shares her experience on equipment control, innovation applied to energy, machine learning technologies, electricity markets, HVAC systems, solar PV… She is volunteering at The Matcha Initiative as Category Leader for Energy & Electricity solutions.

Elodie is Head of Sales at BeeBryte, a provider of innovative remote operation & maintenance services (O&M) for heating-cooling systems (HVAC-R) in commercial buildings and factories.

Top 3 pieces of advice to The Matcha Initiative (TMI) users ?
  • Look and question - not all solutions are good for everyone/every equipment. you need to find what matches your systems, your processes, your objectives, etc.
  • Don’t be afraid to start small. You don’t have to do everything at the same time or go for the most ambitious GreenMark certification the first time you apply. This needs to be part of a continuous improvement process: try to do better than the previous year.
  • A good place to start if you are a bit lost is to measure how much you are consuming and understand what is consuming. You can then concentrate on the big chunks which will have a more visible impact and hence a higher satisfaction factor!
How could you help TMI users ?

I’d be happy to help you organise and prioritise your energy strategy, help you navigate within your organisation and use the right arguments to convince the different stakeholders, as well as share on more general sustainability practises we’ve put in place in our (small) office.

You are working in the Energy sector. What made you choose this sector and why BeeBryte?

Since I was little, I have always been passionate about nature and the impact we may have on it as a species. Energy is everywhere and is a significant part of that impact. First interested in renewable energies I slowly transitioned to the energy efficiency sector - after all, the cleanest energy is the one we do not consume! Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems represent on average 40% of a building consumption - totalling to 16% of worldwide consumed electricity! That seemed like a good place to start!

Trained as an IT and automation engineer from the school of water, energy and environment, it was a natural step for me to onboard a company like BeeBryte who uses a mix of IoT, automation and data science to achieve energy reductions.

Indeed, BeeBryte improves buildings’ energy efficiency and users’ comfort using AI prediction and patented technology, providing an IoT Gateway along with a software-as-a-service to optimise energy consumption of commercial and industrial buildings. It uses weather forecast, building occupancy and activity to automatically and dynamically control air-conditioning systems to make them more efficient. Artificial intelligence is allowing us to grasp all the complexity of the systems while optimising the comfort and reducing the costs.

Another thing that appeals to me in this approach is that it aims at making existing systems more energy friendly. Too many energy efficiency strategies today consist in just buying brand new equipment - newer technology means better efficiency. It doesn't always make sense, environmentally speaking to change the whole system.

What do you call Energy conservation? What is the difference with Energy Efficiency? Why is it important to have both? What are the common causes of HVAC Energy Waste?

Energy Efficiency corresponds to a reduction of the energy consumption of a system for a given output/production. Energy Conservation is a reduction of the energy consumption through - for instance - a better management of the output. To take an example, changing a lightbulb with LED is a typical Energy Efficiency measure, but turning off the light when it is not needed is an Energy Conservation measure. Both are important aspects of energy reduction strategies, and a balance is important for an effective program.

Focusing purely on Energy Efficiency may create a bias in the approach and measurement. Indeed, for some machines - and HVAC are part of those - you may achieve a better efficiency ratio with a higher output. For HVAC we are looking at the Coefficient of Performance (or COP) which measures - in Asia - the amount of electricity (kWh) needed to produce one unit of cold (measured in Refrigerant Ton or RT). If purely looking at this COP as a measure of performance - one may be tempted to increase the output, and the amount of cold produced (or cooling load) for a better efficiency - even though this may lead to more electricity consumed overall.

Example of COP (kW/RT) of a chiller for different cooling load capacity (% of maximum capacity that can be delivered by the chiller). The lower the COP the better.

Energy Efficiency measures are primordial, but they cannot be taken as sole metrics and measurement of how well an equipment, a building is faring on this approach. In Singapore - and the region in general, there is still today a bias towards these metrics, and it is important to ensure Energy Conservation has its place as well.

As such, the most common sources of energy waste in HVAC systems are due to lack of implementation of Energy Conservation Strategies. One of the reasons for that is that HVAC equipment and the automation systems controlling them operate on fixed setpoints. To ensure that the system is always delivering at least the amount of cold required, it is set for the worst-case scenario: very hot weather and a fully occupied facility. Based on this, in any other configuration (colder weather and/or less people) the system is delivering too much cold and creating a potentially uncomfortable temperature, on top of wasting energy - and this is particularly flagrant when it starts raining for instance.

For more info: Energy Conservation vs. Energy Efficiency

It is quite a new concept. How do you introduce it to companies? What are the challenges you face and what are the key messages to embark your audience?

It is definitely quite new in the HVAC sector. There is a lot of education required on the concept and the type of optimization strategies that can be applied for energy conservation and their success!

The main questions and doubts that we are faced with are the following:

  • Comfort: HVAC being mostly used for comfort, and these types of strategy looking at the amount of cold produced not being common, there is genuine concern that these strategies will impact the comfort level in the building. While it is true that over-enthusiastic energy conservation measures (turning the HVAC off completely) can lead to discomfort, when applied carefully they will lead to a higher level of comfort by avoiding over-cooling during rainstorms for instance, and better managing the spatial delivery of the cold air.
  • Reversibility: the questions that come up most when people are not sure about a solution are “What if I don’t like it? Can I remove it?”. That is the upside of such purely software solutions, going back to how it was operated before can be done with the simple push of a button, and is extremely important to reassure potential users.
  • Calculation of savings: Building a reference or baseline for energy efficiency measures only is relatively easy as the COP depends on one main parameter: the cooling load. However, the estimation of the electrical consumption of an entire HVAC system will depend on various parameters: temperature, cloud coverage, windspeed, occupancy in the different zones, covid measures, etc. Those baselines are less common in the sector and users need to be reassured and taken through the steps of establishment of these baselines.
Example of kWh baseline for one of BeeBryte’s customers. The baseline (yellow) varies within the day and from day to day taking into account weather changes, activity changes and anything that impacts this system’s consumption. The period in red corresponds to the establishment of the baseline ( yellow). During that period it matches with the measured (blue). As soon as the optimization starts, we see a clear gap between the lines.
What do innovations and use of AI or IoT bring to Energy Management?

IoT and data science in general allow energy management to go one step further and include energy conservation strategies even for systems as complex as HVAC.

Among other things they allow to:

(i) capture more relevant data to fuel the analysis,

(ii) analyse more complex data sets and understand correlations for more efficient actions taken and

(iii) analyse larger datasets.

This last point is especially important in order to apply energy conservation measures on HVAC systems as such strategies usually apply to air side/terminal equipment which are in much larger numbers than the production side equipment.

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Energy & Electricity