Wwwaste Pte Ltd, PT Clean Medic Indus

Medical Waste Management

WWWASTE Pte Ltd deploys a SaaS waste management platform for all stakeholders in the waste industry, from producers to recyclers.
PT Clean Medic indus is a subsidiary based in Indonesia with an operating collection department for medical waste, plastic, and UCO using the wwwaste.io platform.

Expertise in the following
Waste Management
General - Management & Infrastructures
Waste Management
Office - Meeting rooms - Printer Rooms & Others
Waste Management
Pantry - Dining Area - Kitchen Corner
Waste Management
Packing & Unpacking Area
Waste Management
Production Area
Waste Management
Waste Management
Miscellaneous Waste
Waste Management
As an Individual

Wwwaste Pte Ltd, PT Clean Medic Indus

Medical Waste Management

WWWASTE Pte Ltd deploys a SaaS waste management platform for all stakeholders in the waste industry, from producers to recyclers.
PT Clean Medic indus is a subsidiary based in Indonesia with an operating collection department for medical waste, plastic, and UCO using the wwwaste.io platform.