Optimize processes, products and services. Reduce packaging & waste...
When designing a product, a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) can be useful to assess the carbon footprint of the products you sell, including when they are used, recycled or disposed of by your customers. You probably know your own manufacturing process very well. As part of your analysis, you could measure the resources you use such as water and energy, brainstorm with your engineers to generate new ideas to optimise the process, evaluate alternatives or identify specific R&D areas.
To be successful in driving change, awareness and engagement of your team will be key at every stage.
Here are some examples of decarbonisation actions for your product/service:
- Eco-design to reduce the amount of water and energy used during the lifecycle of products (including the usage phase), and to reduce waste disposal at the end of life.
- Implement Circular Economy initiatives (e.g. waste reduction, recycled materials for packaging, leasing of machinery)
- Purchase lower carbon goods/services/materials (e.g. low carbon food ingredients if you are a food business)
- Increase repairability to extend the life of products sold. This could be an opportunity for a new line of business.
Here are some examples of decarbonisation measures for your production process:
- Energy and water audit or monitoring system for production processes/equipment
- Automated / intelligent controls to reduce energy and water wastage
- Energy and water efficient manufacturing equipment
- Switch to a lower carbon manufacturing process
10% improvement target
by 2030 for Singapore Public Sector Water Efficiency Index
30% improvement target
by 2030 for Singapore Public Sector Waste Disposal Index
Browse The Matcha Initiative Waste Management Section for more best practice and carbon reduction solutions related to waste.
Our Sustainable Products & Services section is also coming soon.
Givvable is an automated data platform that helps organisations understand the sustainability profile of their suppliers and supply chain. It captures, tracks and reports on the credentials of suppliers, that are the strongest indicators of whether a supplier is taking action on sustainability. Givvable covers local to global and SME to MNC suppliers, ensuring it has the widest coverage of supplier sustainability data globally.
Givvable will help you:
We help Brands quit plastic: TRULY sustainable packaging sourcing and consultancy.
We are passionate about people, the environment, and technological progress. We anticipate technological developments and facilitate change – defining standards and going beyond regulatory compliance. Staying true to our founding principle, we add value by creating a safer and more sustainable future.
Carbon emission verification ISO 14064, LCA ISO14067, Green Compass Trainer, other sustainability courses from TUV SUD Academy, Energy audits.
Zero Waste City is an engineering consulting business specialised in waste reduction for commercial and industrial facilities. They help businesses to save money by reducing waste and to achieve Zero Waste goals. Their services include:
Zuno is a pioneer in decarbonisation, carbon & ESG management. Our tech platform helps leading organizations measure, reduce and report their carbon emissions and ESG performance. Powering you towards your sustainability goals, one step at a time.
The Singapore Business Federation is the apex business chamber in Singapore, representing more than 30,000 businesses.