To compile all the data for company level reporting, you will need to choose a methodology and build or use an existing carbon footprint calculator or ESG Management Platform. There are free software tools available online to help your company understand and calculate the emissions from its own operations, as well as ESG Management Platforms.
Here is an overview of the criteria to consider before choosing which tool to use:
1/ Reporting standards and methodologies
Depending on your reporting objectives, you may need to choose a specialised tool that allows you to follow standards for regulatory compliance (e.g. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol) or to integrate your carbon footprint management into a broader sustainability reporting, such as ISO management.
2/ Training and certification
It is important to take the time to be properly trained on the chosen tool. You will need to check what type of training is available.
Please note that:
To take your journey further, it is advisable to have a trained project leader in-house or to be accompanied by specialists.
See some online calculators below and more on The Matcha Initiative toolbox. Many ESG Management apps are also now available. Some are listed below in the suppliers section and more in our supplier directory.
500 GtCO2
is our remaining global carbon emissions budget under a 1.5°C target scenario
(IPCC's estimate)
50 GtCO2
is our annual global amount of carbon emissions - sadly, still increasing every year
(IPCC's estimate)
Suggested list of free online calculators with pre-set embedded emission factors, guidelines and training to help you start your carbon footprint inventory:
- Calculation Tools from the GreenHouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). They have a whole range of calculators. Choose the ones adapted to your activities.
- Simplified greenhouse gas emissions calculator from US EPA
- UN climate change calculator for organisations, from UN Climate Change Agency
- CERT from Global Compact Network Singapore, a recommended tool to start with in Singapore. Free for CPLC & GCNS members.
Some Specific Calculators:
- UN Climate Change Calculator for Events
- Website Carbon Footprint Calculator, from Wholegraim Digital
Company providing End-to-End sustainability and Energy Efficiency intelligence services. It contains three main components:
South Pole has been at the forefront of decarbonization since 2006, developing and implementing comprehensive strategies that turn climate action into long-term business opportunities for Fortune 500 companies, governments and organizations around the world.
South Pole is more than a consultancy, its team of 1,200+ experts have developed projects, as well as designed innovative tools across finance, climate neutral APIs, and carbon offset solutions to help clients reach their carbon mitigation and Net Zero goals.
To date South Pole has worked with over 1,000 clients, and will soon have developed 800 offset projects across 30 offices globally.
Our solutions have created tens of thousands of jobs in developing countries, hundreds of millions of dollars for business, improved brand value and better living and working conditions for countless people in vulnerable communities around the world.
We are passionate about people, the environment, and technological progress. We anticipate technological developments and facilitate change – defining standards and going beyond regulatory compliance. Staying true to our founding principle, we add value by creating a safer and more sustainable future.
Carbon emission verification ISO 14064, LCA ISO14067, Green Compass Trainer, other sustainability courses from TUV SUD Academy, Energy audits.
Zuno is a pioneer in decarbonisation, carbon & ESG management. Our tech platform helps leading organizations measure, reduce and report their carbon emissions and ESG performance. Powering you towards your sustainability goals, one step at a time.
The Singapore Business Federation is the apex business chamber in Singapore, representing more than 30,000 businesses.