A shameful quantity of food does not make it to our plate because they don't meet standards in size, shape or color...
They are commonly called "ugly" food, although perfectly edible.
In Singapore, where most of the products are imported, "unwanted food" refers to fresh produces rejected because of cosmetic reasons or surplus, at the supply chain and retailer stages. They still can be consumed as it is or transformed into dishes, juices, sauces, etc.
By buying them, you can significantly decrease food waste. Furthermore, their price is usually lower.
When some products almost reach their shelf life, they can be discounted or blessed to staff.
of the food grown or prepared does not make it from farm or factory to fork. Mostly because they are sorted to visually appear "beautiful".(Drawdown)
US$2.6 trillion
is the estimated global economic, environmental, and social cost of food wastage, which is nearly equal to the GDP of France.
(FAO, 2014)