Optimizing packaging for sustainability involves a combination of strategic planning, material selection, design considerations, and operational practices. Here some steps that you can take:
Chemistry is an independent, B-Corp Certified strategic design consultancy based in Singapore and Amsterdam. Established in 2000 with the belief that great ideas come from the synergy of people, we bring together a diverse and multi-talented team of innovators and designers.
We are conscious of the impact we create, for communities, organisations, and the planet. Our expertise has been helping companies from a broad range of industries find breakthroughs to complex systemic challenges.
Design can be a powerful tool for change. With people and the planet at the centre of our work, circularity has become a tenet of who we are. We're committed to playing an active role in creating a meaningful impact with design.
We help Brands quit plastic: TRULY sustainable packaging sourcing and consultancy.
Zero Waste City is an engineering consulting business specialised in waste reduction for commercial and industrial facilities. They help businesses to save money by reducing waste and to achieve Zero Waste goals. Their services include: