Measure and Monitor


Measuring and monitoring waste generation are useful for reporting purposes and to identify losses of value. Measuring will help you also to define a baseline. You can then build a strategy to reduce waste whenever you can and then recycle the remaining.

1. Request your contractor to report on the quantity collected.

2. Verify the accuracy of the data. Data should be reported via two formats:

  • tonnage, measured by a weighbridge at the incinerator or the recycling facility
  • number of items, number of pallets, number of drums....

Request the calibration certificate of the weighbridge and conduct spot checks of the items to verify that the conversion kg/item or kg/L is still valid.

3. Track waste generation and calculate KPI to identify possible drifts in waste generation (kg of waste/tonne of products for instance).

Consider hiring a competent consultant to implement metering and monitoring processes, as well as to conduct a waste audit. It will greatly help you in prioritising opportunities and identified the most suitable technologies for your facility. See below solution to conduct a waste audit.

For measuring waste in offices, see our solutions in green office category.

3.40 billion

tonnes of global waste is expected annually by 2050. In comparison it is 2.01 billion tonnes per year today.
(The World Bank)


is the % of global waste generated by ASEAN Region.
(The World Bank)


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