Take advantage of sustainability grants - BASIC


There are many advantages to being an early mover in sustainable business development in Singapore. One of these is the opportunity to benefit from available grants. See in the resource section, all public funds and grants available in Singapore.

Here are some of them:

- Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

Under EDG, Enterprise Singapore has included a sustainability component in business strategy development which includes:  

** Environmental, Social, and Governance Reporting Framework Development,  

** Sustainability Risk Assessment, Material Foot printing,  

** Sustainability Strategy Development, and  

** Sustainability Value Creation.

Companies applying for EDG support for consultancy-related costs must engage management consultants with Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification. Applications will be assessed by Enterprise Singapore based on project scope, project outcomes and competency of the service provider. Learn more

- SG Eco Fund

The SG Eco Fund was launched by Singapore's Ministry of Sustainability and Environment and is open to the private and public sectors. With a total value of S$50 million, it includes 2 categories: Sprout and Main. If your green project has significant environmental impact, works with the community and has not received funding from other government sources, this is a great opportunity for you, please follow the link below to start your application:


2)Application process

3)Related workshops

- 3R Fund

The 3R Fund is a co-funding scheme open to all organisations in Singapore. If your business is focused on implementing waste minimisation and recycling projects, please follow the link below to start your application:

1) Eligibility & Application Process

- Energy Efficiency Fund

If your company owns or operates an industrial facility and is also a partner in the National Energy Efficiency Partnership Programme. Please follow the link below to start your application:


2)Application Process: please email: NEA_E2F@nea.gov.sg

- Water Efficiency Fund

Water Efficiency Fund was launched by PUB, supports research on water waste management, from exploration to implementation.

More information here

up to 125 000$

grant for eligible expenses if the issuer has complied with any internationally-recognised disclosure standards.

up to 30 000$

grant for energy-efficiency equipment
(GoBusiness Singapore)

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