Engage all your Employees - BASIC


Embarking on the sustainability journey requires a change of mindset from everyone in the organisation. For any company to adopt a long-term integrated sustainability strategy, a top-down approach would be the preferred starting point. Top management needs to evaluate options, decide what to focus on and develop a strategy.

"Small actions can make a big difference" - Unilever's sustainability slogan. Sustainability in a company is a top-down approach and employees are your internal stakeholders. To drive a sustainable agenda and truly integrate it into the ethos of the organisation, companies can consider the following points:

* Define the purpose:

Clearly articulate the purpose of the sustainability agenda and what you hope to achieve. This will help employees stay focused and aligned on the goals.

* Communicate progress:

Regularly communicate the progress of the sustainability initiatives to the employees and encourage everyone to get involved in these activities.

* Analyse social KPIs:

Regularly assess the progress of your sustainability initiatives and make adjustments where necessary. Consider which KPIs, such as employee retention, productivity, and overall employee engagement, should be tracked alongside sustainability initiatives and their impact on the costs. This will help ensure that your efforts are having the desired impact and that your organisation remains on track for sustainability.

* Incentivise:

Employees are the backbone of any business. Every employee action counts. Celebrate the successes by linking these actions to a reward system within the organisation. This will help keep everyone motivated and engaged in the effort. It will also ensure that the effort is not just a one-off activity, but a continuous improvement over time.Enable and incentivise team leaders to be sustainability champions, establish communication channels within the respective business functions and teams.

* Create a sense of belonging:

Helping employees see the business case for operating in a more sustainable way is not always easy, but it is critical. Create a dual mindset among the employees about 'doing good' and 'doing well' through the company’s long-term purpose, values and transparent communication.

23% higher profitability

for companies with a highly engaged workforce

14%  higher productivity

for companies with a highly engaged worforce

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