Align with relevant frameworks & standards - BASIC


Sustainability accounting is about capturing meaningful non-financial information for both internal decision-making and external reporting. Reliable and comparable data is the basis for accountability and it is fundamental to align the sustainability accounting with established frameworks and standards. It is important to follow reporting principles and conceptual foundations to build trust and comparability over time and within the industry.

Sustainability reporting is moving from a fragmented landscape of voluntary frameworks and standards (GRI, SASB, TCFD, CDP, IR, etc.) to mandatory reporting enforceable by law in the respective jurisdictions. To understand the current evolution and the role of the voluntary reporting frameworks in the emerging mandatory reporting landscape, we start with an overview of the most commonly used frameworks. For reference:

  • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is one of the most applied and holistic ESG reporting frameworks. GRI provides good guidance on how to consider stakeholders and identify materiality topics (GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021, Section 5 - Stakeholder Engagement).
  • SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) is now integrated under the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). Their standards are also useful to start with, as they provide specific materiality maps by industry sector. Find your industry here.
  • TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) is now integrated under the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). TCFD focuses on environmental topics with a financial materiality perspective. Their framework has been widely adopted in many jurisdictions and is based on 4 main pillars 1) Governance 2) Strategy 3) Risk Management 4) Metrics and Targets.


companies support TCFD in 2023, a +24% rise compared to 2022


sustainability professionals around the world enrolled in courses in 2021 through the GRI Academy

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