Establish an IT Governance & IT Green Team


Set up a Green or Responsible IT team, in charge of implementing the company's sustainable policy / CSR strategy and its sustainable procurement in the IT department.

They should develop a specific sustainable plan for the IT department in collaboration with your Sustainability Manager or your Company Green Team, establish and track KPIs, measure progress and set new targets every year. To help you along the way to build your green community, refer to our article to engage people on a sustainable journey.

It is important that the Green IT Team educate all the IT users on the digital world carbon footprint and impact, and talk with them about digital sobriety. If you are not aware of the problems, you cannot resolve them ! Share your your IT department's sustainability strategy, explaining the main targets, timeline and KPIs.

They should also regularly train all users on Green Best Practices (see above solutions) including Paper & Printing Best Practices if need be (see here) and on how to increase lifespan of IT equipments (and why).

Once they understand the problem, your IT users will eventually question their needs and habits (do I really need a second or third screen? do I really need to built a completely new website / software ?...). They will be a great help when conducting digital footprint audits, action plans implementation and monitoring.

Sustainable IT collage workshops can be perfect to kick-off sustainable actions! Liase with us for more information.


Here is a very useful MOOC on Sustainable IT

How to organise a digital cleanup day

Bricks, Golds or Greens? Understand who you are talking to through a video or download a short pdf and adapt your messages accordingly.

These suppliers can help you

This is a DIY - Do It Yourself Solution. If you want, you may ask a consultant to help you implement it